Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Oh Snaps! A Peek at my February + March on Instagram {#15}

A Peek at February

"You can only celebrate being 30 a second time once" was the quote of the evening // Girls night at Jade Eatery + the majority of my fave chica's coincidentally were rockin' cobalt blue // Four words Red Velvet + Martha's Country Bakery // Bubbly and trashy reality TV to end the night.

Superbowl Sunday was my actual birthday which was celebrated with delish cake from Eataly // Qt time with myself meant a bubble bath and a DIY mani {attempts to stop biting my nails}// CJ thought it would be funny to spook the mess out of me by planting a spider with my polish.

Another snowy commute to work // "Life is but a Dream" spotted on 42nd street // Tristan was so excited about big boy underwear he needed to wear three pairs at once // Abnormally warm day meant a few minutes in the park with my mini me // Happy Valentines Day to my forever young mommy.

Clouds that looked like cotton candy floating by our window // CJ was extremely excited the night before his first swim class // Monsters look their sweetest when they are knocked out // Surprise flowers from The Hubby.

My first visit to The Metropolitan Museum of Art with my 1st graders// Loved this woman's subway swag and the robocop-esque shades// Field trip to the Fire Museum// Just me, my Thick and Fluffy Eggos and  a Gossip Girl marathon {a house to myself}.

Celebrating our Uncle Dave's birthday, he left us on 12/12/12 and he will be forever missed

A Peek at March

Kept dinner light and healthy with tomatoes, avocado and fresh mozzarella.

Let the Spring break fun begin! A trip to the Central Park Zoo left my monster feeling like he was on display while this silly bird kept following him around // Free Kiddie Rock at the New York Public Library // A stop at F.A.O Schwarz always includes playing with Muppets.

                              Oh 5th avenue, how I love your enticing windows {Bergdorf Goodman}.

`The boys were so excited to meet up with daddy after he got off work.  

"The Man, The Legend, My Tristan" was amazed by all the huge sculptures and pyramids on our first family visit to The Met. 

Happy Easter from the monsters! All set and ready to roam the city.

Follow that bird! By the time we caught up to Big Bird in Central Park, Tristan wasn't too sure he wanted to be that close to the yellow feathered giant who happened to have a Brazilian accent and music blaring from his plumage. 

Duck watching by our favorite bridge in the park.

Another Spring Break First was walking through the Easter Parade on 5th avenue + spying all the the creative decor at Rockefeller Center.

CJ got to try out being a dragon in the midst of the parade. We've decided to keep a list of all things that he's done before age 10 that we have just done or yet to do at age 30.

Signs of Spring have finally sprung in NYC with blooming Daffodils in Madison Sq. Park , hopefully it lasts.

I guess sometimes I live by my motto of "enjoying life & living in the moment" so closely that It's hard for me to catch up on blog posts. I always love giving you guys a peek into what my life with the monsters and The Hubby is really like here in NYC from the days we play tourists to the ones were it's just us in our cozy, tiny Kew Gardens apt. With warm weather days on the horizon and the start of wedding season I can't wait to continue sharing. Hope you enjoyed the peek at our last two months! Please feel free to follow me on Instagram @dellahsjubilation

Bunches of Xoxo's,

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