It takes a lot to keep us indoors on the weekends here in New York, with so much to do we're typically out and about looking to start a new adventure & it's always a must to have a few sweet treats on hand to energize us throughout the day. Bonus points if it's something that's not only tasty but healthy to boot! That's the wonderful thing about Halos, they're juicy and sweet and definitely a favorite among my citrus loving boys! This month my oldest & mini me CJ and I headed out on one of the windiest days in New York to enjoy a morning of spring time crafting at the Children's Museum of the Arts.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, opinions expressed are 100% our own.
Halo Mandarins are truly one of the most perfect snacks, especially for little ones. They are so easy to peel, have no seeds and taste so good! You can enjoy them from November - April and they are Non GMO Project verified - which means your kids can safely enjoy!
Crafting with CJ brought back memories of when he was in grade school and we'd pull out our bins of pipe cleaners, googly eyes and colorful grass to make spring inspired art during Spring break. I would have never thought to get crafty with Halos but they certainly do make the most adorable flowers, bunnies and baby chicks. It's too bad my youngest couldn't join us because he was feeling under the weather - he has a major sweet tooth and we actually offer him all the Halos he wants to get him to pass on the skittles and gummy bears. Don't you think Halos make the perfect substitute for your Easter baskets this year opposed to candy?
Another surprising thing about Halos was how great they taste dipped in chocolate, mixed in a grilled shrimp salad and spread across bruschetta! We were introduced to an array of ways to brighten up snack time, dinner, drinks and desserts. Have you ever tried incorporating Halos into one of your favorite recipes?
After crafting and snacking CJ decided he'd make a fun video called "The Bunny Escape" based on one of the Halo critters made that day. It's so fun to witness how our children see things as they get older. He may not craft with me as much as he used to but we have just as much fun editing videos for him to share on his and his brother's YouTube channel. It was definitely a fun afternoon & after he showed the museum staff his video they encouraged him to check out their stop motion lab - which of course he never wanted to leave.
It seems we have a few snowy days ahead of us why not channel Spring and get crafty with these Halo Fun ideas.
Thank you Momtrends, Wonderful Halos and
The Children's Museum of the Arts for Hosting Us!
I see some serious creativity at work there!