Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A cause for Jubilation.... Candy Chang (Bringing Communities Together & Sparking Conversation)


 Flipping through my copy of the September 2011 "O" Oprah magazine a photo of what appeared to be a shack had the words "Before I die.." stenciled and spray painted on the side of it with a list of responses instantly caught my attention. Candy Chang who's an artist and activist for social change created this project in hopes of connecting the members of her New Orleans neighborhood by reminding them of what matters most as a community and as an individual.

 Chang said she found herself questioning her wants before she died after loosing someone very close to her. With the 1st year anniversary of my husbands 25 year old best friend passing from a car accident approaching; we can't help but think of all the great things he was destined to accomplish. What are some things you want to do before you pass on? or places you'd want to see?  I'd love to be my own boss, visit Italy during Carnivale, live to see a cure for Crohns disease among many other things.. On Cindy Chang's site you can purchase a kit to create your own neighborhood "Before i Die"' wall and purchase planks with the phrase and blank space on it.

Another Project I felt inspired by was  "I wish this was" where members of the community filled in the blanks after the phrase on stickers describing what they hoped an abandoned space would become..

Like these abandon spaces I know there are a few in my neighborhood and possibly a few in you own you'd like to see something positive done with. Neighbors wrote things like Chinese food restaurant, a daycare, a community garden, Brad Pitts house or art gallery. With all the varied answers one thing was evident the community had great hopes and colorful imaginations for what they wanted for their neighborhood.

All images found via: CANDYCHANG.COM please go check out her site and be inspired by all of her projects and share with your friends, family and community to keep the conversation going!!

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