Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let's LINK UP Wednesdays

I just decided last night after conversing with the Hubby that I wanted this to be a Happy Hump day post but couldn't get it done in time to be read this morning, but not to worry you'll have it on time next Wednesday. I thought I would join the club and share a few of my favorite links with you all, found across the web.

For a lot of us Wednesdays is a cause for jubilation because we are just that much closer to the weekend. With this weekly post I hope to bring you a few distractions, whether you are watching the clock from your desk or chasing behind the kids and everything else that falls in between. I hope these links entertain you, give you something to think about and carry you through the week:

Who says those fun rainbow colored toy ring stacks are just for kids? This version looks comfy cozy and perfect for those of us who are kids at heart.

I've always been in love with NYC's Lower East Side, I spent many weekends as a kid there visiting my grandma and boy things have changed. The Lowline, an underground park is in the works and would be a greatly needed green space for this 'hood. Check out the video  and please back the project if you have the means.
image via:

Do you remember when your parents first talked to you about how babies were made? What do you think about this very graphic book for children that explains the birds and the bees to the kiddies? Offensive or informative? After watching the animated short I gave the hubby a thumbs up and thanked the heavens the "big talk" was in his hands. Surely this wasn't a convo I'd be initiating with our boys.

Move over Rachel  Zoe there's a new stylist to tune into! Make room for June Ambrose as we eagerly await her show premiering on VH1. Watch her keep the streets chic!

I don't have close to $29 million dollars but I know the Hubby would love to live in Michael Jordan's house that's up for sale.

Those adorable little British girls Sophia Grace and Rosie that performed Nicki Minaj's Super Bass on the Ellen show sit down with Taylor Swift for Tea time try on tutus and talk fashion and boyfriends.

I am so loving these mint green mesh earrings. A must have pair of studs for spring!

Who wouldn't want to work for Google knowing your office space was this cool? Some would probably skip to work {like my friend says he does}.

I'm so glad we could LINK UP today, join me next week.


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