Happy Friday! I'm beyond happy that rained earlier today and still cloudy and chilly today because it gives the boys and I a chance to pull out the board games & blocks, catch up on the highly addictive series Breaking Bad and cuddle up on the couch. I can't believe we are halfway through Summer, where did time go? This pic above of a few NYC kids is probably what all of us wish we were doing during the beginning half of this week because it was blazing hot! What's on your agenda this weekend? We actually have no concrete plans other than a 5 yr olds birthday party at Juniper park on Sunday {one of our favorite parks}. In preparation for the party, I received a text from my girlfriend stating : Water guns have been bought! Game on! so hopefully the weather will cooperate.
Here are a few links from the web to help you pass the time away:
More snaps of Summer during the 1950's here in NYC.
This DIY is perfect to carry all your summer must haves for any warm weather excursion. While you're at it rock this DIY maxi skirt.
If the characters of the hit show Mad Men were working now, here's what their salaries would look like.
I stumbled upon this reading program and It's beyond perfect for keeping the kids reading through the rest of the summer and gives back! I had to share.
I love a good cat eye!
Who wouldn't feel inspired working in this space? Instant cheerfulness and reminds me of this tote.
For all you newbie bloggers or bloggers who just can't splurge on Alt Summit, maybe this event is the way to go.
If schools in NYC looked like this Parisian school we'd never leave, and the parents would want to stay too! {thanks Shoko for sharing}
Yum! I need to grab some peaches on our next trip to the farmers market so the Hubby can make this cake and I'd never refuse stuffing my face full of this. Maybe I'll even help, lick the bowl!
Here's what I've been up to on the blog this week:
Revel in New York: Amusement in Coney Island
Elated with Etsy: Fabulous Festive Garland
Oh Snaps! A Peek at my Week on Instagram
Thanks for LINKing up today, I hope you live in the moment and enjoy your weekend!
Bunches of Xoxo's
happy and fun!