Disclosure: I attended this event as media and received a review copy of the game. Opinions expressed are 100% my own.
The beginning of the year usually rings in a new set of goals meant to inspire positive change, especially when it comes to creating healthier habits and working out. My inbox has been flooded with promotions for memberships to the latest and trendiest workout classes here in the city, but the frosty winter temperatures have definitely been a deterrent. Not even cute, new, multi print and vibrant colored workout gear have been able to motivate me to get off the couch. The polar vortex has definitely made the 90 minute trek into the city by bus and two trains, just to sweat among strangers for an hour less appealing. Thanks to the new Fitness Boxing game that recently launched for the Nintendo Switch I can still get a start on my fitness goals from the comfort of my apartment.
With Fitness Boxing, whether you’re at home or on the go you can squeeze in a workout with your Nintendo Switch by doing basic boxing techniques along to your fave beats from popular artists.
You can get your whole body moving without any additional gym equipment for 10 - 40 minutes a day just by punching and squatting while squeezing your joy-con controllers.
Recently I headed to the Nintendo NYC store for a mom's morning out for an hour-long Fitness Boxing class, where our guest instructor Niki of SugarySixpack, showed us how the game starts off with a few stretches to warm up before getting hands-on to test the game out.
The game software estimates your approximate BMI and daily calories burned so you can track your progress. Choose from a diverse group of trainers and customize their look with unlockable trainer outfits.
Considering this was my first go at the game on a combination level I don't think I did too shabby, to my defense I was also unlocking my cellphone so that a team member could snap my pic during those misses, lol. I definitely hope to practice with this 2-3 times a week.
As you progress, you can earn more songs and more challenging training circuits. If you prefer to work out with a buddy, you can use two sets of Joy-Con controllers or share a pair to enjoy working out cooperatively or test your skills by facing off against each other in a virtual ring!
Would you consider using this Fitness Boxing game to crush your fitness goals?
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